Day 108 - Picking Olives instead of Pumpkins

After a long day at Granada yesterday, we planned to take it nice and easy today.  It was a gorgeous day and we decided to head on out for a hike around the house.  The kids were especially eager to show my parents all the "cool" things we had found on our previous hikes. 

Olive Picking

From late September to mid-October, most people in the US, especially the East Coast, go pumpkin and apple picking at nearby farms.  Although we have seen pumpkin and squashes around, here and there, we certainly have not seen farms where you can go and pick them.  We are mostly surrounded by olive, almond, and various other fruit trees.  This year, since we are celebrating most of our typical holidays differently, on our hike today we picked olives instead of pumpkins :)    I hope to slit them open and soak them in some salt water and see if I can make them edible!

Oh and yes, Hannah decided to go on this hike in her little Flamenco dress!  I obviously advised against it, but she insisted she would be fine. At least she was warned.

On our walk back, we saw a tiny frog who happily jumped on my foot (it probably enjoyed all the mud from a little mishap I had by the river) and then hung out with Kian for a little bit before hopping off and getting on with his business :)

We really do love hiking around here.  We won't be carving any pumpkins this year, but this great adventure is totally worth the "sacrifice" ;)

Boney and Baby Ginger's Birthday Parties

We have lots of birthday parties going on in the house this week. I guess since we celebrated Kian's, and we plan to celebrate Hannah's a few weeks early, Kian and Hannah both wanted to do something special for their favorite travel companions. 

The party "prep" kept them busy for most of the day.  They collected a few items on the hike as presents, wrapped them, and decorated mini cakes.  They are already little party planners! 

They even had fun blowing out candles on behalf of their "friends" and opening their presents :) Boney got a fetch stick and a hollowed out painted snail shell while baby Ginger got a flat rock colored with crayons. 

Childhood is fleeting, so why not have birthday parties for your stuffed animal dog and your favorite doll?!  Especially when the owners do most of the work anyways =D

Tomorrow, we plan to stay local and check out the village of Comares, which is less than 6 miles away from our house (in fact we can see it up in the mountains). We have been told by quite a few people from around here to make sure we visit, so we must go and explore it.